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wow! what a day!!!
ok, had test today..
chinese.quite easy bahx
eng..no way man!!
aniwae..quite ok la..haha
yea!!finished twilight
starting new moon
hahaa..ok todae went annabel's house do acc project
its..the second tym^^
had chicken rice
den did dat acc project
den played hide n seek
lol a bit lame
but very fun
first, we hid in the bathtub
mi,karmei n margaret ahha
in the end kenna found
den after dat we hide in the **sumwhere i dunno
but we made noise n aso tio found
n aso in the nex toiket
den at the office in the room
whao kao damn hot inside
i almost died
zzz...so lame
now currently chionging history task 1
actualy is hand in on thu de
so bbbbbb